Join the Airpost Waitlist

Ready to make UGC ads faster, easier, & at lower cost?

Who is Airpost for?

  • Brands with a physical product our talent can comfortably hold with their hands (ex: shoes, box of chocolates, makeup products, etc)

  • Mobile apps

  • Brands in the US or Canada (our voice replication technology can only do American-sounding accents for now!)

  • Agencies representing clients are welcome, but please indicate ONE client product per waitlist application

  • Please refer to our FAQ section for more detail including categories of products we can not accept at this time

There is no cost to joining the Airpost waitlist and your product’s shoot is free.

Once your ads are ready, you can download your ads for $149/month. You’ll have access to hundreds of UGC ads each month with unlimited edits and customization done instantly within the Airpost platform.

OK, so what happens next?

  • We will review your waitlist submission to determine if we’re able to shoot your product

  • If yes, you will receive an email follow up from our Support team

  • You will then be asked to submit additional information and to ship 2-3 samples of your product to our LA studio

  • We’ll take some time to shoot your product with real actors (roughly 2-3 weeks), then we’ll upload the footage to the Airpost platform and combine the footage with AI to create your custom UGC creative

  • We’ll then notify you through email that your ads and ready and provide you with login information to access the Airpost platform to download your ads.


What categories of product can Airpost NOT shoot at this time?

  • Products for Children
  • Products for Pets
  • Politics-related
  • Sexual content
  • Clothing
  • Drugs (non-medical), CBD, or Alcohol
  • Automobile accessories
  • Weapons
  • Products for customers age 45+ (we currently do not have talent in this age range) 

What types of product can Airpost NOT shoot?

  • Products that can not be comfortably held by our talent
  • Products that have a lengthy installation process (ex: blinds, audio systems, etc)
  • Products with copyright claimed merchandise
  • Products that are intended for use outdoors (we have an indoor studio and cannot shoot outside)

Are there any product shipping considerations?

  • We currently do not accept products from outside of US or CAN
  • We do not accept products which can not be shipped to California